on-going support


We'll Support Your Garden Goals

Edible Landscapes offers weekly, monthly or seasonal maintenance support for your garden.

Whether you need help to revive overgrown raised beds, replace your garden with fresh soil, add soil amendments, re-seeds, or plant an entirely new garden, we’re here to help

The process

How Does Maintenance Work?

Our team of growers can work with your preferred frequency of maintenance. Choose from the options below, fill out our form, and a team member will reach out to you as soon as possible to get started.

Our Options:

The Horticulturalist

Starting at $137.50/month, this monthly option includes weeding, pruning, fertilizing, and revitalizing. You can also choose a fruit tree yearly, up to 3 cubic yards of soil, and plants. 

The Busy Bee

Starting at $137.50/month, this monthly option includes weeding, pruning, fertilizing, and revitalizing, plus a fruit tree yearly, soil, and plant options. For a more comprehensive service at $221.50/month, we offer biweekly maintenance with produce included.

The 4 Seasons

Starting at $87/month, our options is a seasonal maintenance package ensures year-round food growth and soil replacement, allowing you to cultivate crops in every season.


Our custom maintenance service caters to your garden’s unique needs, providing tailored care to ensure its health and beauty. Let us customize a plan to perfectly suit your garden’s requirements.

let’s get started

Inquire About Our Maintenance Services

  • Fill out the form below to reach out to our team regarding these services.
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